York University
BES Program

Course: Environmental Law, ES/ENVS 3420.03

Term: Winter Term 2003

Calendar Description: Introduction to basic legal concepts: sources of law, legal remedies, common law, administrative law. Planning acts, environmental protection acts and environmental assessment acts. Litigation processes, hearing boards, and their operation. Critical review of environmental legal concepts and their social, economic and environmental effects.

Prerequisite: None. (Previously ENVS 2400 3.0 or permission of a Course Director)

Course Directors

David McRobert, In-House Counsel, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, 1075 Bay Street, Suite 605, (just below Bloor St.) T. 416-325-3376; david.mcrobert@eco.on.ca

Paul Muldoon, Executive Director, Canadian Environmental Law Association, 517 College Street, Suite 401 (near College and Bathurst), T. 416-960-2284; Ext. 219; muldoonp@olap.org

Course Director Office Hours

On-campus meetings in an office at FES prior to or after class can be arranged on request by calling the course directors at their offices. Students also may be able to meet for coffee with the course directors in the FES lounge. The course directors also will make themselves available for office hours at their work offices; please call them at the phone numbers listed above.

Course consultation hours: contact the course director to arrange a meeting.

Required Reading

The following books are required reading for the course:

David Estrin and John Swaigen (eds.), Environment on Trial: A Handbook on Ontario Environmental Law (Toronto: Emond-Montgomery Press, 1993). This text may be purchased for approximately $48 from the York University Bookstore.

D. McRobert (ed.), Environmental Law: Cases and Readings (2002). This consolidation of cases and materials ("course book" or "course kit") has been assembled because not all of the topics relevant to this course are discussed in the main textbook.

This course book will be available for copying at a copy facility on the York campus. Please pick up the original for copying from Denise Dunbar, the Course Secretary. Feel free to copy the sections and pages of the course book that you are most interested in. (The cost for copying this course book should be about $30-35.) We anticipate that this approach should save students a considerable amount of money. We kindly request that 1) students try to ensure that pages are not lost or misplaced and the original is returned with all the pages in proper order; 2) students borrow the material for less than three hours and promptly return it to Denise Dunbar.

The course directors intend to place a copy of this coursebook on Reserve. A copy of the 2001 version of this publication already has been placed on Reserve. See: PCOP.5923 Scott

Additional required readings not in the compulsory texts will be available from the Scott Library Reserve Desk. This material has been selected to enrich your understanding of the other course material.

Supplementary and Suggested Reading

A consolidation of statutory materials (including laws and regulations) has been prepared to supplement the required reading. See: D. McRobert (ed.), Environmental Law: Federal and Provincial Statutes(2002). A hard copy of this package can be borrowed at the Scott Library Reserve Desk. See: D. McRobert (ed.), Environmental Law: Federal and Provincial Statutes (2001). See: PCOP.5924 Scott

The 2002 consolidation of statutory materials also will be available for copying at a copy facility on the York campus. Please pick up the original for copying from Denise Dunbar, the Course Secretary. (The cost for copying this material should also be about $30-35.) Again, we kindly request that 1) students try to ensure that pages are not lost or misplaced and the original is returned with all the pages in proper order; 2) students borrow the material for less than three hours and promptly return it to Denise Dunbar.

In addition to the two kits prepared by David McRobert, there are many excellent textbooks and sources that deal with the general issues covered in this course, as well as particular topics. Among these are:

A. Elaine Hughes et al. (eds.), Environmental Law and Policy, 2nd Edition. (Toronto: Emond-Montgomery, 1998). This text may be purchased for approximately $90 (plus GST) from Emond-Montgomery.

B. Jamie Benidickson, Environmental Law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 1997). This is a concise introduction to environmental law in Canada. A printed version of this textbook has been placed on Reserve in Scott Library.

The following publications and journals contain many articles and court decisions that are directly related to this course:

C. The Journal of Environmental Law and Practice (available at Osgoode Hall Law School, CELA Resource Library and ECO Resource Centre)

D. Canadian Environmental Law Reports (CELRs). (available at Osgoode Hall Law School, CELA Resource Library and ECO Resource Centre)

Required Readings Only On Reserve

Some of the required readings are not in the textbook or the prepared casebook. You will have to rely on the Reserve Section of Scott Library. Where possible, the Scott call numbers have been provided for the Reserve Readings at the end of the item: e.g. See: XRX.549xx Scott

If any readings appear to be missing (they may have been misplaced or stolen) please contact your TA as soon as possible. All of the readings are available for two hours to ensure wide access.

Key to Symbols and Abbreviations in The Reading List Below

RES -- The letters RES in front of a reading indicate that it is on reserve in the Reserve Section of Scott Library. ie. it is not included in the required text or course book.

CB -- The letters CB in front of a reading indicate that it is in the course book: D. McRobert (ed.), Environmental Law: Cases and Readings (2002). This course book also is available at the Reserve Section of Scott Library.

ST -- The letters ST in front of a reading indicate that the reading is contained in the consolidation of statutes.), i.e. Environmental Law: Federal and Provincial Statutes (2002). This material also is available on reserve in the Reserve Section of Scott Library.

Schedule of Topics and Readings

The following list of lecture topics and readings is subject to change. Remember that the readings listed under each date are assigned for reading during the following week and will be discussed at the tutorial following that date.

Date: January 9, 2002, Hour 1

Title: Introduction to Course & History of Environmental Law in Canada

Schedule and Topics: (a) Overview to the Course and (b) Brief History on the Development of Environmental Law in Canada

Lecturers: David McRobert & Paul Muldoon

Required Readings:

Environment on Trial, Chapter 1, pp. 3-20

CB pp. 1-10 Workplace Health and Safety Agency, "Understanding the Law," In: Core Certification Training Program: Participant's Manual. (Toronto: WHSA, 1992); pp. 272- 281.

Recommended Reading:

RES D.L. Gibson and T.G. Murphy, Extracts on Introductory Materials and Constitutional Law, From: All About Law: Exploring the Canadian Legal System, (Toronto: John Wiley and Son, 1989) Chapters 1 to 3, p. 1-67. See: XRX.54962 Scott

Date: January 9, 2002, Hour 2

Title: Constitutional Law in Canada

Schedule and Topics: (a) The Concept of Law in Our Society; (b) Role of Law to Protect the Environment; (c) The Canadian Legal Framework: (i) The Constitution and Division of Powers and (ii) The Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and (d) CCME's Draft Harmonization Agreement.

Lecturer: Paul Muldoon

Required Reading: Environment on Trial, Chapter 2, pp. 22-40

ST Constitution Act, 1867, ss. 91-92. [Available on Internet for viewing at http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/index.html]

ST Constitution Act, 1982 - Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. [Available on Internet for viewing at http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/index.html]

CB pp. 43-47 Attorney General of Canada v. Hydro Quebec (1997), 24 C.E.L.R. 167. (Headnote only) [Fulltext available on the Internet at http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/index.html]

CB pp. 11-24 Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, A Canada-Wide Accord on Environmental Harmonization. (Winnipeg: CCME, 1998).

CB, pp. 32a-32s CELA. v. Canada (Min. of the Environment) (1999), 30 C.E.L.R. (N.S.) 59

CB pp. 33-38a Summary of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 in Mary Mancini (ed.) The 1998 Guide to Ontario Environmental Law. (Richmond Hill: Ontario Business Information Products, 1998).

RES M.A. Bowden, "Jurisdictional Issues" In: E.L. Hughes et al., Environmental Law and Policy. (Toronto: Emond-Montgomery, 1993). See: XRX.54954 Scott

Recommended Reading:

CB pp. 39-42 R. v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (1995),17 C.E.L.R. 129-181. (Headnote only)

David Estrin, "Mirror Legislation," In: A. Lucas (ed.), Environmental Protection and the Canadian Constitution (1987). Available in Osgoode Hall Law School library.

CB pp. 90-98 Energy Probe et al. v. Attorney General of Canada (1994), 17 O.R. (3d) 717. (Extracts)

RES Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, Report to Parliament, Harmonization and Environmental Protection, December 1997 See: XRX.54955 Scott

Date: Jan. 16, 2002

Title: Overview of The Canadian Judicial System

Schedule and Topics: (e) The Canadian Legal Framework (Cont'd); (f) The Court System (g) Some Re-Occurring Themes in the Course: (i) Public versus Private Rights; (ii) Citizen Participation in Decision-Making; (iii) Sustainability; (iv) Risk; (h) Alternative Approaches to Disputes: (i) The Law Reform Process and Law Making: (i) MOE Regulatory Review & Red Tape Review; (ii) Other Government-wide Reviews; and (iii)Voluntary Compliance and Non-Regulatory Approaches.

Lecturer: David McRobert

Required Reading:

CB pp. 101-111-a.10 Canadian Environmental Law Association, Trashing Environmental Protection: Ontario's Four-Part Strategy, March 1999.

CB, pp. 132-144 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans et al., Draft Fisheries Habitat Enforcement Protocol, April 1999.

RES Jamie Benidickson, "Consultation, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Voluntary Measures" In: Jamie Benidickson, Environmental Law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 1997). See: XRX.54958 Scott

Recommended Reading:

CB pp. 84-89 Guy Crittenden, "Harris' Kremlin", The Globe and Mail, November 1, 1997

CB pp. 99-100 Roger Marentette, "A Review of the Alternative Dispute Resolution System in Ontario/Canada," Muni-scope: Informing Ontario's Municipalities, August 1992, Vol. 7(4), pp. 25-26.

CB, pp. 64-75 John Moffet and F. Bregha, "The Role of Law Reform in the Promotion of Sustainable Development" (1996), 6 Jour. Env. Law and Practice 1.

CB Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Discussion Paper for Round Table on Voluntary Compliance, Self-Regulation and Environmental Protection, (Toronto: ECO, October 1996).

Date: Jan. 23, 2002

Title Overview of The Canadian Judicial System

Schedule and Topics: (e) The Canadian Legal Framework (Cont'd); (f) The Court System (g) Some Re-Occurring Themes in the Course: (i) Public versus Private Rights; (ii) Citizen Participation in Decision-Making; (iii) Sustainability; (iv) Risk; (h) Alternative Approaches to Disputes: (i) The Law Reform Process and Law Making: (i) MOE Regulatory Review & Red Tape Review; (ii) Other Government-wide Reviews; and (iii)Voluntary Compliance and Non- Regulatory Approaches.

Required Reading: See readings for January 16th.

CB pp. 125-128 Barry Spiegel, "Privatizing Safety - Industry on the Honour System?", Willms & Shier, Municipal\Corporate Report, Winter 1998

CB David McRobert, "Bureaucratic Speed Bumps and Ecological Tread Marks: Environmental Policy Making in the Ontario Government, 1988-1993", Presentation to the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, February 14, 1994

Date: January 30, 2002

Title: Environmental Rights: Using the Courts

Schedule and Topics: (a) Overview of Court Actions; (b) Common Law Causes of Action (Nuisance, Negligence, trespass, etc; (c) Statutory Causes of Action (EBR, CEPA, etc); (d) Private Prosecutions to Enforce Fisheries Act and Other Laws

Lecturer: David McRobert

***Review of Research Ethics Protocol***

Required Reading:

Environment on Trial (1993), Chapter 6, pp. 108-121

RES E. Brubaker, Property Rights in Defence of Nature. (Toronto: Earthscan, 1995). Selected extracts on the role of the courts and causes of actions; approx. 50 pp. See: XRX.54934 Scott

CB pp. 215 Karen Selick, "Governments Don't Protect Environment", Canadian Lawyer, October 1996.

CB pp. 216-7 Tock v. St. John's Metropolitan Area Board, [1989] 2 S.C.R. 1181 (Headnote only)

CB p. 330 Hollick v. City of Toronto , [2001] 2 S.C.R. [Fulltext available on the Internet at http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/index.html]

Recommended Reading:

RES D. McRobert, Lecture Notes, Using the Courts, March 2001

RES D. McRobert and R. Cooper, The Environmental Registry, the Right to Request an Investigation and Environmental Protection Actions under CEPA: Implementation Issues and Lesson from Experience with Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights. Paper for presentation to Working with Bill C-32: the New CEPA, Insight Conference, November 1999. See: XRX.54956 Scott

RES Ryan v. City of Victoria , [1998] 2 S.C.R. [Fulltext available on the Internet at http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/index.html]

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Report of the Task Force on the Environmental Bill of Rights (Toronto: MOE, 1992), pp. 83-111. Available in Osgoode Hall Law School library.

Date: Feb. 6, 2002

Title: Reforming Environmental Rights: Ontario's EBR

Schedule and Topics: (a) Evolution and Overview of the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR); (b) Elements of the EBR: (i) Purposes (ii) Environmental Registry (iii) Applications for Investigation/Review (iv) Right to Sue and Whistleblower Rights (v) Environmental Commissioner; (vi) Administration of the Environmental Bill of Rights.

Lecturer: David McRobert
Guest Lecturer: John Ferguson, MES, Ph.D., Public Education Officer, ECO

NOTE: Before coming to this lecture, students should visit the Internet web site for the Environmental Registry:


We encourage you to discuss your experiences with the Registry in the class.

Required Reading:

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, The EBR and You, (Toronto: ECO, 2000). See: http://www.eco.on.ca/english/publicat/usrguide.pdf

ST Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993

CB pp. 112-124 Halfway River First Nation v. British Columbia (Min. Of Forests) (1997), BCJ no. 1494 (BCSC).

RES Diana Babor, Environmental Rights in Ontario: Are Participatory Mechanisms Working? (1999). Colorado Journal Of International Environmental Law and Policy: 1998 Yearbook. Pp. 122-135. See: XRX.54957 Scott

Recommended Reading:

CB pp. 211-14 Environmental Law Centre, University of Victoria, "Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation: Legislation needed to block threat to democracy," Extracted from Internet Home Page, Nov. 1997.

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Having Regard -- Annual Report, 2000-01, (Toronto: ECO, 2001). This report can be downloaded and read at the ECO's web site. [See http://www.eco.on.ca]

Environment on Trial (1993), Chapter 25, pp. 794-815.

RES Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Changing Perspectives -- Annual Report, 1999-00, (Toronto: ECO, 2000). This report can be downloaded and read at the ECO's web site; see

. PCOP.5928 Scott

RES Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Open Doors -- Annual Report, 1998, (Toronto: ECO, 1999). This report can be downloaded and read at the ECO's web site; see http://www.eco.on.ca. See: PCOP.5929 Scott

RES D. McRobert, "The Nuts, the Bolts and the Rest of the Machinery: A Guide and Update on Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights", Background Paper for Environmental Law and Management Course, Canadian Institute, King Edward Hotel, Toronto, May 25, 1998. In: D. McRobert, Environmental Law: Cases and Readings (2001), pp. 129-210- a.21 See PCOP.5923 Scott

Date: February 13, 2002: - Reading Week -

Date: February 20, 2002

Title: The Environmental Planning Process

Schedule and topics: Hours 1&2 (a) Introduction to the Environmental Planning Process (b) The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA); (c) The Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (EAA); (d) The Implications of Bill 76; (e) The Future of the EA Process in Ontario

Lecturer: Paul Muldoon; Guest Lecturer: CELA Staff Lawyer

Required Reading:

ST Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 140 as amended

ST Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, S.C. 1992

CB pp. 218-234, 244-246 Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office (FEARO) and Environment Canada, "Government Strengthens EA Regime, Keeps Red Book Commitments", News Release and Backgrounder, October 6, 1994.

CB Alan Levy, "Scoping Issues and Imposing Time Limits by Ontario's Environment Minister at Environmental Assessment Hearings - A History and Case Study" (2001), vol. 10, no. 2, Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, at p. 147.

CB pp. 278-79 Re: West Northumberland Landfill Site, (1996) 19 C.E.L.R. 179. (Headnote only) [Fulltext available in Osgoode Hall Law School Law Library]

CB pp. 280-81 Essex Ofner Resources v. Ontario (1996), 18 C.E.L.R. 317.

CB pp. 273-277 Friends of the Island v. Canada (1996), 18 C.E.L.R. 1 (FCA)

Recommended Reading:

Environment on Trial, Chapter 9, pp. 185-224

CB pp. 282-288d Societe Pour Vaincre La Pollution v. Canada (1996), 22 C.E.L.R. 64 (FCTD).

RES Grace Patterson and David Evans, "ADR at the Environmental Assessment Board", Presented to the Collaborative Decision Making Seminar, FES, York University, Nov. 21-23, 1996. See XRX.54946 Scott

Date: February 27, 2002

Title: Environmental Rights: Participation in Hearings.

Schedule and Topics: (a) Environmental Tribunals in Canada; (b) Basic Concepts: Natural Justice; (c) Keeping the Process Fair: Judicial Review; and (d) The Role of Experts.

Lecturer: Paul Muldoon; Guest Lecturer: CELA Staff Lawyer

Required Reading:

Environment on Trial (1993), Chapter 25, pp. 794-814 & Chapter 4, pp. 77-100.

CB pp. 289-90 J.W. McElhaney, "Preparing Experts," ABA Journal, August 1990; pp. 84-85.

CB pp. 291-94 Joanne Ross Wilder, "Choosing the Right Expert Witness," Family Advocate, Spring 1990; pp. 44-47.

Recommended Reading:

RES R. Eisen, Expert Opinion Evidence at Environmental Board Hearings (1989). CELRs, See XRX.54944 Scott

RES A. Roman, Effective Advocacy Before Administrative Tribunals. (Toronto: Carswell, 1989). See: XRX.54945 Scott

Date: March 6, 2002

Title: Pollution Control: Standard Setting, Approvals and Enforcement

(Part 1) Schedule and Topics: :(a) Definition of and Nature of "Standard-Setting"; (b) Types of Standards - The Range of Legal and Policy Tools; (c) Some Examples of How Standards are Developed; (d) The Ontario Approval Process: An Overview; (e) Bill 57 and Standardized Approvals; (f) Reforms to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA); (g) An Overview of Compliance and Enforcement; (h) Case Histories of Enforcement Actions

Lecturer: P. Muldoon

Required Reading:

Environment on Trial (1993), Chapter 16, pp. 436-458; Chapter 3, pp. 48-72

ST Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990 (as amended); as assigned.

CB CELA, "Risk Assessment and the Precautionary Principle", Chapter 4 of Environmental Standard Setting and Children's Health (2000) CELA's "Children's Health Study" on the CELA website, http://www.cela.ca/ch_health/toc.htm

Recommended Reading:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, S.C. 1999 [Available on Internet for viewing at http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/index.html]

Ontario Round Table on Environment and Economy.  Sustainable Communities Resource Package. [Available on Internet for viewing at http://www.law.ntu.edu.tw/sustain/intro/ortee]

RES Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, Enforcing Canada's Pollution Laws: The Public Interest Must Come First!, Third Report to the House of Commons. (Ottawa: House of Commons, May 1998). See: XRX.54943 Scott

CB pp. 43-47 R. v. Hydro Quebec, (1997).

Date: March 13, 2002

Title: Municipal Land Use Planning in Ontario

Schedule and Topics:Hours 1&2 -- (a) How the Planning Act works; (b) Private vs. Public Rights in land development; (c) Bill 163 and the NDP Land Use Planning Law Reforms; (d) Bill 20 -- The Land Use Planning and Protection Act; (e) Ecosystems and Protected Areas

Guest Lecturer: Theresa McClenaghan

Required Reading:

RES John Chipman, The Planning Act in Transition (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 1996); Chapters 2&3; pp. 5-26. See: XRX.54942 Scott

ST Planning Act, RSO as amended. [See: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/]

ST Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Policy Statement Under Planning Act (Toronto: MMAH, 1996&1997). 1999 [Available on Internet for viewing at http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/business/policye/table.asp]

CB pp. 295-295a.38 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Citizen's Guide to the Land Use Planning System in Ontario. (Toronto: MMAH, 1997). [See http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/business/guides/index-e.asp]

CB pp. 296-97 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, The Proposed Development Permit System. (Toronto: MMAH, 1998), 2 pp.

Recommended Reading:

Environment on Trial (1993), Chapter 8, pp. 137-184 .

RES Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, The Land Use Planning System in Ontario: Achieving the Vision. (Toronto: Queen's Printer, August 1998). 30 pp. [See http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/business/plansys/contents-e.asp] See: XRX.54941 Scott

MMAH, The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001 [For background: see http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/inthnews/releases/20011101-3e.asp ]

MMAH, Five Year Review of the PPS, Summer 2001. [For background: see http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/ppsreview/index-e.asp]

Date: March 20, 2002

Title: Pollution Control: Standard-Setting, Approvals and Enforcement (Part 2)

Schedule and Topics: See Lecture on March 6, 2002

Lecturer: P. Muldoon

Required Reading:

Spraytech v. Town of Hudson [2001] 2 S.C.R. (Headnote only) [Fulltext available on the Internet at http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/index.html]

CB pp. 235-38 Dee Kramer, "Green Cops to the Rescue," Probe Post, Summer 1991.

Recommended Reading:

CB pp. 239-243 B. Commoner, "The Failure of the Environmental Effort," (1988) in Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 18, 10195-99.

Date: March 27, 2002

Title: Waste Management Law

Schedule and Topics:(a) The Legal Framework: (i) Provincial Law; (ii) Federal Law (iii) National Packaging Protocol (CCME); (iv) Bi-lateral and International Agreements (v) The Blue Box Story; (b) Reforms to Provincial Laws and Regulations, 1991-95: (i) GTA Waste Management and Interim Waste Authority; (ii) 3Rs Regulations; (iii) Municipal Waste Powers Legislation; (c) Changes to Provincial Laws and Regulations, 1995-2001 (i) New Landfill Standards and Waste System Planning (ii) Incineration Regulations and Policies, 1995; (iii) MOE's Regulatory Review

Lecturer: David McRobert

Required Reading: CB pp. 315-329 Ministry of Environment and Energy, Backgrounder: Ontario's New 3Rs Regulations. (Toronto: WRO, MOEE, 1994).

CB pp. 340-347 D. McRobert, "User Pay for Waste Management: Issues and Options," Notes prepared for the Toronto Environmental Alliance, May 1994.

ST Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O 1990 - Part V

CB pp. 250-263 J.R. Tidball and R.F. Lopes, "Framework for Approval of Landfills in Ontario,Canada," Proceedings Sardinia 95, Fifth International Landfill Symposium, Italy, October 1995,

CB pp. 352-356 D. McRobert, "Ontario's Blue Box Fiasco," Notes prepared Broadcast on CKLN Radio, January 1991.

Recommended Reading:

Environment on Trial (1993), Chapter 24, pp. 771-788

CB pp. 348-351 Doug Thompson, "Proposal for a New Landfill Siting Process in Ontario", Municipal World, August 1995, pp. 13-16.

RES D. McRobert, "Reforming Legislation and Regulation to Promote the 3Rs: Some Observations on Ontario's Waste Management Act, 1992 and the Proposed 3Rs Regulations", Paper for Recycling Council of Ontario Annual Conference, Oct. '92. See: XRX.54951 Scott

RES Harold Crooks, Giants of Garbage: The Rise of the Global Waste Industry and the Politics of Pollution. (Toronto: James Lorimer, 1993). See: XRX.54952 Scott

Date: April 3, 2002

Title: The Walkerton Inquiry

Schedule and Topics:1st Hour --(a) Background to the Inquiry, including (i) The Legal Framework (ii) Parties to the Hearings and The Inquiry Process; (b) The Walkerton Inquiry reports

2nd Hour -- Wrap-up and Final Exam Review

Lecturers: David McRobert & Paul Muldoon

Required Reading:

Draft exam questions, Hand-out in March 2002

Walkerton Inquiry, Final Report on Parts 1a and 1b. Expected January 2002.

CB "Chronology of Walkerton Events", Toronto Star, October 2000.

CB Walkerton Inquiry, Part 2 Study List, Draft for Discussion, December 4, 2000

CB Larry Krotz, "Troubled Waters", Saturday Night Magazine, National Post, Dec. 9, 2000.


CB Gary Gallon, "The Real Walkerton Villain", Globe and Mail, Dec. 2, 2000.

CB Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Health Unit, "Executive Summary," Report on Walkerton Investigation, October 10, 2000.

CB Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, The Protection of Ontario's Groundwater and Intensive Farming, July 27, 2000.

CB C. Gillis, "E. Coli: They haven't learned," National Post, Dec 23, 2000.

Note: A number of studies for Part 2 of the Walkerton Inquiry were published in 2001. The transcripts of daily proceedings for Parts 1 & 2 also are available at a site linked to the Walkerton Inquiry. Part 2 documents and other legal information for the Inquiry are available on the Internet: see http://www.walkertoninquiry.com